Now that the seasons have changed, it’s time to look at 2017 and start planning the year. First up, when is VMworld 2017, and  perhaps most importantly where? There has been a lot of speculation about this, and the perhaps strongest rumour was that it was moving to Berlin.

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I’ve been fleshing out a proper Veeam Backup & Replication Demo lab at work, but doing demos on static VMs isn’t all that much fun and doesn’t really give us much. Doing scheduled backups of non-changing data is really boring.

So, in order to get some changes done on the file system on a few Linux VMs running in the environment, I came up with the following solution:

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Welcome to the second edition of In The Bag!

Photo by Sonny Abesamis

In The Bag #2 - Week 45

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I’ve been a big proponent of the VMware vCenter Appliance for a long time, I even did a talk called VCS to VCSA Converter or How a Fling Can Be Good for You! on migrating to the VCSA at the Nordic VMUG last year.

The VCSA has gone through a few iterations and versions by now, coinciding with the vSphere releases.

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A while ago I decided to try and gather a bunch of non-public information in an easy to write and consume fashion. After a bit of fiddling, and testing different potential solutions, GitBook emerged as the best option. By using MarkDown as the markup language, it’s both cross-platform and easy to manage, as the content is nothing but raw text files.

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William Lam has a repository of vCenter Web Client customizations hosted over on GitHub, and I decided to add one of my own.


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Since I “launched” my In the Bag series of weekly links yesterday, I figured I should really show what is indeed in the bag. Lifehacker runs a series called Featured Bag and the voyeur in me finds it interesting what other people carry around, and how they organize it.

This is my attempt at doing the same. This is my everyday carry, most of these items are always in the bag when I leave the house in the morning. I’ve been using backpacks for years, but noticed I always just carry it around on righ shoulder, so I decided to go for a shoulder bag instead. For the most part this works our fine, if I’m travelling for more than a day, I tend to re-pack in one of the backpacks I have instead.

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In The Bag #1 - Week 44

Published by Christian Mohn

Inspired by Scott Lowe’s Technology Short Takes, Duncan Eppings Recommended Reads and Michael White’s Newsletter here is my attempt at a weekly roundup of things I found interesting the last week or so.

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As mentioned before, I’ve kinda turned my home lab into some sort of Slack-Ops deal, where various services in my home lab notify me of events in a private Slack channel.

The latest rendition of that, is adding Slack notifications from phpipam. Once phpipam detects a new device picking up an IP in my network, it notifies me like this:

In order to get this working, I had to edit the /var/www/phpipam/functions/scripts/discoveryCheck.php file in phpipam. discoveryCheck.php is the script that is run when phpipam does local subnet discovery  check, so this was a natural place to add my custom curl command.

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Robert Graham of erratasec has created a small honeypot tool called telnetlogger.

This is a simple program to log login attempts on Telnet (port 23). It's designed to track the Mirai botnet. Right now (Oct 23, 2016) infected Mirai machines from around the world are trying to connect to Telnet on every IP address about once per minute. This program logs both which IP addresses are doing the attempts, and which passwords they are using.

For those still unaware of what the Mirai botnet is, it’s basically malware that scans for vulnerable devices with port 23 (telnet) open to the outside world, and tries to log on with known hardcoded credentials.

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About is the online hub of Christian Mohn and Stine Elise Larsen.

The site primarily focuses on IT architecture and data center technologies, with a strong emphasis on virtualization and related topics.
While the main content revolves around these areas, you'll also find a range of other subjects covered from time to time, reflecting the interests of authors.
