Let's get the kids some RPi's!

Published by Christian Mohn · Read in about 1 min (120 words)

A friend of Mr. Jase McCarty is teaching a class in programming control systems, and is in need of a few Raspberry Pi’s.

Sadly the school can’t afford buying them outright, so if you have one laying around, that you are not using, get in touch with Jase and he’ll set you up with the details on how you can contribute! If you want to do even better, and buy some RPi’s outright and donate them to the project, check out this Amazon Wishlist!

So far 7 RPi’s have been donated by the vExpert community, which in itself is pure awesome-sauce, but I’m sure we can one up that and make sure each of the students have two RPi’s each.

Post last updated on January 2, 2024: Add author


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