Installing Windows 8 Developer Preview in VMware Workstation 8

Published by Christian Mohn · Read in about 1 min (175 words)

Installing Microsoft Windows 8 in a VMware Workstation 8 VM turned out to be a real piece of cake.

Follow the screenshots for the procedure I used, but basically all I did was to create a new VM with the pre-configured “Windows 8 Server” preset and inserted the downloaded ISO file.

Note: Windows 8 Server has been removed as a preset option in the final release of VMware Workstation 8, my screenshots are from the beta version. If you want to install Windows 8 in the GA version of VMware Workstation 8, you’ll need to do a manual install (as opposed to Easy Install). Use the Windows 7 option as a baseline.

Windows 8 VM Configuration Screenshots #

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Networking, sound and other virtual hardware issues were non-existing, everything just works right out of the box (or .iso as the case is). Adding more than 1GB memory to the VM also helps a lot when it comes to it’s responsiveness.

Windows 8 in VMware Workstation 8 Installation Video #

Various Windows 8 Screenshots #

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Post last updated on January 2, 2024: Add author

About is the digital home of Christian Mohn and Stine Elise Larsen.

The primary focus is on IT architecture and data center technologies like virtualization and related topics, but other content also pops up from time to time.
