As a blogger it is important that disclosures are made for all applicable interests, and here is my attempt.
This is the official blogger disclosure resource for Christian Mohn – Inspired by and copied from Rick Vanover.
Commercial Content List #
I have engaged in commercial (paid and non-paid) content (blogs, articles, commentaries, etc.) for the following organizations:
- Petri IT Knowledgebase
- Veeam
- SearchSiteVirtualization
- IT Architect Resource, LLC.
For a more complete list, check my LinkedIn profile.
Tech Field Day #
I was fortunate enough to be selected to be a delegate for Tech Field Day #6 in Boston. As a delegate, my airfare and hotel expenses were covered, but my only obligation is that I have none:
This is not a favor: If the invitation to attend Tech Field Day is extended to you, it does not mean you have to write (Tweet, blog) or write positive or critic the vendor presenting, its okay to have a neutral or a null opinion about the presenter and vendor.
I also have provided one or more speaking engagements without commercial exchange to FirstPoint AS, Digital Ship Scandinavia 2011, DellEMC Forum and other industry events.
Key Material Interests #
I have no direct, material interest in any technology company that I cover as part of my blogging activities.
For my material that ends up on the commercial sites listed above, each site manages their comment process to their standards and requirements. I have no control over that process.
TrainSignal / Pluralsight #
I have been provided a number of complimentary Pluralsight (TrainSignal) instructional materials, including complimentary vExpert access to their online training offerings. Some I have handed on to others, one even as a VMworld Europe 2010 contest.
VMware #
As a vExpert have also been granted a series of limited time NFR licenses for various VMware products and services.
Books #
I have received a complimentary copy of Mike Lavericks Administering VMware Site Recovery Manager 5.0 book from Pearson/VMware Press, as well as Automating vSphere with VMware vCenter Orchestrator by Cody Bunch.
Managing and Optimizing VMware vSphere Deployments by Sean Crookston & Harley Stagner has also found it´s way to my mailbox, in addition to The Official VCP5 Certification Guide by Bill Ferguson and VMware vSphere 5 Building a Virtual Datacenter by Eric Maille and René-Francois Mennecier.
Duncan Epping has sent me copies of vSphere 4.1 HA and DRS Technical Deepdive and Cloud Computing with VMware vCloud Director
I have also received a complimentary (digital) copy of VCP5 VMware Certified Professional on vSphere 5 Study Guide: Exam VCP-510, and written a short review of it. VMware Press also sent me a copy of VCAP5-DCA Official Cert Guide: VMware Certified Advanced Professional 5- Data Center Administration in exchange for a review.
EMC has sent me, free of charge, a fully functional VNXe 3300 networked storage device, complete with disks and network components. This is used on my demo/lab environment. I have also received a VNXe 3200, for an 8 month loan period – this has since been returned.
Other Vendors #
During my time in “the industry”, I have received numerous t-shirts, coffee mugs, chocolate espresso beans, stickers, buttons and other swag like it. In 2013 I received a very nice personalized glass mug from Nutanix, and a Raspberry PI from Simplivity. Nutanix also sent me a small bluetooth speaker in 2014. I doubt my perception of these vendors are skewed as a result of this, though. I have also received several not for resale licenses for various products, for test/lab purposes.
I have also received several books from different publishers, either for pre-print feedback or as straight forward gifts. If I do decide to post a review of any of these books, the reviews will clearly indicate that I have received a free copy if that is the case.
Relationship to Employer #
I maintain this site on my own spare time, some times utilizing technology that I am exposed to in my day-to-day job for Proact IT Norge AS. Commentary on aforementioned technology should not be viewed as my employers official commentary, it’s just my own personal thoughts and opinions.
If you have any questions about this material, please contact me via my contact form.