... and All I Asked for Was a Pin

Published by Christian Mohn · Read in about 1 min (152 words)

Way back in the old days, you know when VMworld 2012 was held in San Francisco, I tweeted that if someone could get hold of a VCP pin for me, I would be very happy.

Luckily Paul Valentino from vCommunity Trust picked that up, and apparently went on quite the scavenger hunt on my behalf.

Imagine my surprise today when this little square meter of carton appeared, courtesy of Mr. Valentino:

For some reason I suspected that Paul had not only shipped me a VCP pin and that there might be a couple of other things in the package as well.

Indeed, a VMworld 2012 Backpack filled with various items, like the VMware vSphere 5.1 Clustering Deepdive book, the NetApp Data ONTAP Edge VSA, and a VMware Workstation 9 license key amongst other things (stickers, pins and a t-shirt).

Thanks a lot Paul, your VMworld Marshall Plan is very, very much appreciated!

Post last updated on January 2, 2024: Add author


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