Where Did My VMware Security Advisories Go? They Went Here!

Published by Christian Mohn · Read in about 1 min (182 words)

VMware by Broadcom recently published a blog post called Where did my VMware Security Advisories go? outlining the location changes for the VMware Security Advisories (VMSAs), making clear that from May 6th 2024, they are moved to the Broadcom Support Portal.

While this was anticipated as part of the content transition following the acquisition, it was not anticipated that the VMSAs would be moved into a walled garden that required a login. While it was free to create an account, and get access to the advisories, this was a move that caused some uproar and controversy.

Thankfully VMware by Broadcom has reconsidered the login requirement, and the advisories are again easiliy accessible for everyone. Links below!

Product LineLink
VMware Cloud FoundationSecurity Advisories - VMware Cloud Foundation
TanzuSecurity Advisories - Tanzu
Application Networking and SecuritySecurity Advisories - Application Networking and Security
Software Defined EdgeSecurity Advisories - Software Defined Edge

Also, note that VMSAs for EUC products will continue to be published on www.vmware.com/security/advisories and are not moved as part of this change.

Post last updated on May 13, 2024: Update Where-Did-my-VMware-Security-Advisories-go-here.md


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The primary focus is on IT architecture and data center technologies like virtualization and related topics, but other content also pops up from time to time.
