If you run your vCenter on SQL Server Express 2005, you are missing the ability to set up scheduled backup jobs with SQL Maintenance Plans, a feature available in the full version of SQL Server.

This might not be a problem if your backup software has SQL Server agents that you use to backup your vCenter databaser, but in smaller environments or even in your lab, you might not have that kind of backup scheme available to you, so what do you do? Thankfully there are ways of setting up the same kind of scheduled backups in SQL Server Express, without being a SQL Server Guru.

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As you may or may not know, the new vCenter 4.1 requires that the host it runs on is 64 bit. As 4.0 and previous versions weren’t supported on 64 bit at all, this probably means that when you upgrade you will need to move your existing database to a new host.

There are several ways of doing the migration, but one way is to backup your existing database, and restore it on a new host and point the new vCenter 4.1 installation to the existing database and have it upgrade it for you during install.

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Welcome to vNinja!

Published by Christian Mohn

Welcome to my new playground. I used to post quite a lot over at my old site, h0bbel.p0ggel.org but given it’s weird domain name and it’s long history I’ve decided to start fresh.

This new site will be dedicated to all things virtualization, PowerShell, Windows Server management and possibly even some Citrix products thrown in here and there. I might even go on about APP-V, but that remains to be seen.

My main focus will be solutions for SMB users. There is a lot of information out there, but lots of it are focused on large corporations that have large IT teams. Sadly that’s not the reality for many of us, and we have to fill lots of different roles (e.g server admin, network admin, storage admin, etc).

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vNinja.net is the digital home of Christian Mohn and Stine Elise Larsen.

The primary focus is on IT architecture and data center technologies like virtualization and related topics, but other content also pops up from time to time.
