Combined Pi-Hole Statistics in Home Assistant

Published by Christian Mohn · Read in about 2 min (262 words)

I have been running Pi-Hole since 2018, and I’m still amazed as to how much ads it actually blocks. It’s simply incredible, and I often run my VPN client on my phone to connect to my home network, just to get DNS filtering no matter where I am.

Due to some recent changes to my home environment, I have now moved to a dual Pi-Hole setup, utilizing Michael Stanclift’s excellent Gravity Sync to keep the Gravity blocklists syncronized between instances.

I am also a heavy user of Home Assistant, so natually I have statistics from Pi-Hole visible in a Dashboard there as well, utilizing the Pi-Hole integration, which works very well. However, with two Pi-Hole instances, I would like to see some combined statistics, instead of them being seperated out by instance.

Thankfully this a very easy to do in Home Assistant, by creating custom template sensors. In my setup, I have two Pi-Hole integrations enabled, one called pi_hole and one called pi_hole02. In order to combine some of the sensors, it’s a matter of creating a new combined sensor with the total values.

Pi-Hole Combined Sensors example #

Stick this in your Home Assistant configuration.yaml file, replace the sensor_pi_hole names with your own entity names, and you’ll be able to use two new sensors, namely total_ads_pihole, which is a combination of the ads blocked in the last 24 hours of both Pi-Hole instances, and total_pi_hole_dns_queries_cached which is the total number of cached queries.

Add those to a Entities Card in Home Assistant, and you will have something that looks like this:

Combined Pi-Hole sensors in Home Assistant Entity Card
Post last updated on January 2, 2024: Add author

About is the digital home of Christian Mohn and Stine Elise Larsen.

The primary focus is on IT architecture and data center technologies like virtualization and related topics, but other content also pops up from time to time.
