I Made Something Happen

Published by Christian Mohn · Read in about 2 min (239 words)

I think Seth Godin might have been onto something with “Make something happen”, so I did.

Today was my last day at EVRY. Some might already have been aware of this, mostly because of Hoff-Job-Announcement-as-a-Service, but also because of my own tweet as I left the EVRY offices in Bergen  as an employee for the last time:

The decision to leave EVRY was not an easy one, but it was time to try something else. I have nothing but respect for both company and my now former colleagues and I’m certain EVRY will continue it’s mission to become the Nordic IT champion, and I’m also certain they will succeed.

My new role is as a Senior Systems Architect for Proact IT Norge, with a focus on VMware’s SDDC stack. What that really means, remains to be defined, but I’m excited to start this new endeavour and be given an opportunity to help Proact design the data centres of the future. Proact recently also won a Global VMware Innovation Award for 2016, so I guess I’m at the right place at the right time when I now join #teamproact.

So, in the words of Jake and Elwood:

Elwood: It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark...  and we're wearing sunglasses.
Jake: Hit it.
Post last updated on January 18, 2025: Migrate to new x shortcode and upgrsde HUGO_VERSION to 0.141.0 in netlify.toml


vNinja.net is the online hub of Christian Mohn and Stine Elise Larsen.

The site primarily focuses on IT architecture and data center technologies, with a strong emphasis on virtualization and related topics.
While the main content revolves around these areas, you'll also find a range of other subjects covered from time to time, reflecting the interests of authors.
