This guest post by Bjørn Anders Jørgensen, Senior Systems Consultant Basefarm, first appeared on LinkedIn.

Disclaimer: This is a report based on current development as of 7. January, the situation is changing by the hour so read this opinion piece with that in hindsight.

Unless you have been living under a rock for the last week you will know by now that there is a universal design flaw in most modern microprocessors, leaving them vulnerable to a serious information disclosure problem that requires updates to all operating systems and processors.

If you are not familiar with the issue, start here: Meltdown and Spectre

Jan Wildeboer also has a comprehensive timeline: How we got to #Spectre and #Meltdown A Timeline

The issue has been known by Intel at least since June, and has been under embargo while everyone has been hammering out code to mitigate the threat and be ready when the embargo was lifted.

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Evaluating 2017

Published by Christian Mohn
2017 Review

Keeping up with tradition (you thought I was going to say Kardashians there, didn’t you?), it’s time to evaluate 2017.

My list of goals for 2017 and the verdict is as follows:

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My good friends, and fellow VMUGgers, in Denmark is once again arranging the largest VMUG event in the Nordics in January 2018.

The Nordic VMUG Conference promises to be just as awesome as previous versions, just have a look at this speaker list:

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This is the second recorded talk published in the Awesome Talks series. This time it’s Scott Hanselman’s “It’s not what you read, it’s what you ignore” talk from Dev Day in Kraków way back in 2012.

This isn’t a technical talk, it’s originally geared towards developers but Scott’s message should resonate with everyone in the tech field. In general, it’s about how you can deal with large amounts of information. Lot’s of great takeaways here!

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macOS: Vanilla

Published by Christian Mohn

Small, unobtrusive and easy to use. That’s a pretty good description for a macOS utility I recently discovered: Vanilla (non-affiliate link).

Simply put, this little gem let’s you hide any or all menu bar icons in macOS, while still keeping them easily accessible behind a small arrow:

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This is the first post, in what hopefully will turn into a series of posts, highlighting awesome talks that are freely available. There is a lot of great content out there, both inspirational and funny, and I’ll try to publish my favorites when I find them.

So here is the first one!

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Warning: Shameless self promotion ahead!

November 30th I’ll be joining Martin Plesner-Jacobsen from Veeam for a Live Webinar: _Veeam integration with VMware vSAN, vSphere tags and SPBM policies. _

Now that’s a lot of goodies in one place!

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When playing around with Royal TSX I needed to mass convert the VMware Clarity .svg files to .png files that I could use as icons in Royal TSX.

After trying a series of different approaches, I ended up with using rsvg-convert from libRSVG. In order to get rsvg-convert installed on my MacBook, I turned to HomeBrew.

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Myles Gray asked me how I integrate Pocket with Todoist, after my How I use Todoist post, and the answer is very simple: IFTTT. If-This-Then-That lets you connect services, and create rules (or applets) that trigger based on events in those services, luckily both Todoist and Pocket are supported.

Now, there is a bit of overlap between how I use Pocket and Todoist, but I mainly use Pocket to keep track of links I want to either read later, or use as basis for blog posts.

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As I’ve mentioned before, I use Todoist to keep track of my personal to-do list. This is the first to-do manager I’ve been able to stick with, and I’ve been using it daily for well over 2 years now. In that two year period I’ve reorganised it a bit, but for the most part I’ve been able to keep to the main structure I initially created when setting it up the first time.

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About is the digital home of Christian Mohn and Stine Elise Larsen.

The primary focus is on IT architecture and data center technologies like virtualization and related topics, but other content also pops up from time to time.
