Blatant Self Promotion

Published by Christian Mohn · Read in about 1 min (106 words)

As the title says, it’s been one of my more “public” weeks ever. Besides my “normal” vSoup engagement, this week I’ve also been involved with Mike Laverick’s VMTN Subscription Movement Miniwags to voice some of my views about the #VMTNSubscriptionMovement.

Fair warning: This is video, and please to remember that during recording Movember was nearing its final phase. VMTN Subscription Movement Miniwags – Christian Mohn

Secondly, I was a guest on the Veeam Community Podcast Episode 45 – vSphere 5 Storage Potpourri.

Third, and last, SearchServerVirtualization posted VMware vSphere Storage Appliance: Devil’s in the details which also includes some commentary from yours truly regarding the VSA.

Post last updated on January 2, 2024: Add author

About is the online hub of Christian Mohn and Stine Elise Larsen.

The site primarily focuses on IT architecture and data center technologies, with a strong emphasis on virtualization and related topics.
While the main content revolves around these areas, you'll also find a range of other subjects covered from time to time, reflecting the interests of authors.
