Using VMware Validated Design Stencils in

Published by Christian Mohn · Read in about 2 min (225 words)

Ryan Johnson who works on VMware Validated Design, has created a GitHub repository for VMware stencils. The repository contains the stencils used for VMware Validated Designs in SVG, Visio and OmniGraffle formats, as well as a very nice Powerpoint presentation that shows how to use the stencils. Great work Ryan, and team, annd thanks for making these available!

But since I mostly use these days, I figured I’d try to import these and see if they work there as well. I had no success actually importing the files by going to File->Import but it turns out there is an even easier way to import the Visio *.vssx files.

All it takes is simply downloading the files from the GitHib repository, and dragging and dropping them into the web app, or the desktop app, for them to show up ready for usage in your design diagrams!

Once they’re added, you’ll find two new shape folders on the left hand side, named vmw_Icons.vssx and vmw_colors.vssx. These can be renamed to whatever you want, to make them easier to identify.


Also, in case you were unaware, already include some of the VMware Validated Design stencils by default, but not the complete set. You can find the included ones by clicking +More Shapes… in the bottom left, scrolling down to VMware under Networking and adding them.

Post last updated on January 2, 2024: Add author

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