VMworld Europe 2018 is just over a week away, and I figured it would be time to announce some more details surrounding Headshot-as-a-Service. Since I have been unable to secure a permanent location for this at the event, I’ve decided to have it set up somewhere close to the Bloggers Lounge and vBrownbag in the Social Hub.

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VMUG Denmark yet again is arranging the Nordic VMUG Conference, this time in Copenhagen on January 31st 2019. The agenda is still a work in progress, and is not finalized, but I’ll be there!

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After decompressing for few days, I’m finally able to wrap my head around the Veeam Vanguard Summit 2018 in Prague. The Veeam team provided loads of great content for us Vanguards, both public, embargoed and NDA rated.

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Now that vSphere 6.7 Update 1 has been released, I jumped at upgrading one of my lab environments from 6.5 Update 2 (which was not a supported upgrade path until 6.7 Update 1), and I pretty much immediately ran into issues.

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For the first time since the Veeam Vanguard program was started, I’ll be able to join the Vanguard Summit! This event takes place next week (October 15th to 18th) in lovely Prague, Czechia.

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After playing around with Pi-Hole for a bit, and configuring some of my local clients to use it, I decided to go all in. I finally settled on an architecture and setup that looks like this.

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Pi-Hole is a nifty little software package that basically acts as a ad and tracking blocking server for your entire network. The installer silently fails on Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS Bionic Beaver, since it can not install dependencies. That’s not good, but hey, there is an easy fix!

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While setting up a new Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS Bionic Beaver VM (which will be used for Grafana and InfluxDB), I ran into a small issue where the /etc/apt/sources.list was close to empty

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How to fix Error: Git must be installed and in your PATH! with Homebrew in macOS 10.14 Mojave.

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VMware has opened the session builder for VMworld Europe 2018, and quite a few sessions are already fullly booked. Don’t despair though if you session is full, there is still a chance that some sessions will get additional slots, as well as the possibility for walk-ins at the time of the sessions. Odds are that quite a few people who have scheduled a given session doesn’t show up and that will open up slots for those waiting at the door.

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vNinja.net is the digital home of Christian Mohn and Stine Elise Larsen.

The primary focus is on IT architecture and data center technologies like virtualization and related topics, but other content also pops up from time to time.
